- It is good to stay away from smoking, drinking (alcoholic beverages) and non-vegetarian food. It helps you to refine your energy body and become a more refined Reiki channel. However it is not a must to abstain from the above habits. Once you start using the Reiki, anything that is bad for your body is automatically and naturally will be rejected by you. Once a person is attuned by Reiki Master, he remains a Reiki channel for the rest of his life.
- Any powerful regular meditation like self hypnosis is good for you.
- Start practicing regularly all that you have learnt – be it Reiki treatment, meditation or anything else, it is only your regular practice that can take you nearer to perfection. Due to reason if you cannot practice Reiki for some time, you may restart anytime you want to do so.
- It is good to take salt-water bath when you have problems as it helps removing negative energy from your energy body.
- Always be cheerful. Always try to be helpful to others.
- Do not have any negative emotions against anybody. You simply forgive them. Forgiving others helps your energy body by releasing the negativity from it.
- If you do not know where to place your hands, you can simply place your hands anywhere over patient’s/client’s body. Reiki has a consciousness of its own and hence it knows where to go and what to do and you need not direct it.
- Anyone can learn and practice Reiki.
- Reiki is powerful yet gentle. It has helped in healing virtually every known illness.
- Reiki can be used as an adjunct to improve effectiveness of any other type of therapy.
- Reiki can work on you whether you believe in it or not.
- Always keep in mind that it is Reiki – The Universal Life Force Energy which is doing the healing and not you, YOUR SELF.
- Always be grateful to Reiki – for having given you the privilege of having learnt it.
- Check list for healing
- Wash your hands in running water before starting the healing.
- Talk to your client and gather information regarding their requirements.
- Explain how you will be giving Reiki energy.
- Ask your client to close the eyes and talk to the self to absorb the energy and become better and better day by day if it is good for him/her.
- Play a gentle and soothing music.
- Start with invocation and give Reiki using the symbols and stop Reiki by giving thanks.
- If the client falls asleep, allow him/her to sleep for as long as he/she wants. If you know your client has to leave after healing, you may wake your client very gently.
- Wash your hands after healing.
- Talk to your client and ask him/her to share the experience.